* Photo source kyuen13 (Flickr)
Recently, my friend had talked about her life which she thinks a little sucks without an adventure. She’s right. But don’t really wish for it because she had no idea what is waiting outside the door. I’m grateful for having these kinds of life that I’m living right now. People may demand me of anything but they’ll get the price later after I fed-up with their game. Lots of thing happens around me lately. Some people don’t understand why I’m always on the run. I’m not running from the problem but I had to finish what I’ve started. It seems like it was clashes with my time right now. I have to act like the speed of light. Not only I had to save my life but everyone’s too. Everybody should get the fair amount of justice and although, I have no right to interfere in any way, but the truth is it’s all about alter ego. There’s the time we need to leave it alone and there’s the time we need to give a hand without asking their permission. I had trapped between both worlds right now. I had to choose but I refused to choose any one of it. Since I was working, I feel like I was really acting in the movie. Although, I had to hide myself but I can’t ignored some problem arise here. Nobody could escapes from the problem and nobody should hurt too. I had something in my mind too. If only I had a power, I choose to heal it. I’m doing my very best to do it. Sometimes, I’m not happy when I’m seeing someone unhappy. I’m concern too much but in the end I have to let it go. No matter how much I wanted it that way, I cannot change the fate. Some fate cannot be change but for the best of everyone, I had to do it. What is important to me is all about heart.
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